Magical Words (13-6-22) June 16, 2022June 16, 2022ColinD Another great night of wonderful writing and performance at Russ Brown’s House of Secrets in Blackpool. Photo from Elain Ridgway Alan reading his poetry for the first time.Ann with the first of her two poems.Ash and Ellie being haunted by AlanA few of the people enjoying the night.Autumn Ash delivering another wickedly funny poem.Me reading a random poem. This one was number 68.Dani delighting the audience with her very funny words.After seven years away from poetry, Emmanuel returns with a great performance.Ash realising there are people in the room while reading his poem about a sex robot.First time every up on stage performing poetry. Sue delivered a powerful piece that was amazing.Dani’s ode to the ‘Strangle Wank’ left the audience gasping for breath (from laughing so much) Show MoreShow Less Related Tweet